All current and prospective SPARTA members are invited to our luncheon and business meeting
January 9, 2023
Park Ridge Restaurant
3425 Church St.
Stevens Point, WI 54481
11:00 am Socializing
11:15 am Order Lunch
11:30 am Business Meeting
12:15 pm Keynote Speaker
“Out of the Classroom and into the World” Lani Tierney, retired teacher, world traveler
12:45 Adjourn
President: Carol Colby
Vice President: Ginny Williams
Treasurer: Janet Langton Secretary: Christine Neidlein
Data Manager: Sherrilee Wallermann Immediate Past President: Santha Bickford
Emeritus Past President – Elbert Rackow
From the President
Giving is at the core of being an educator. We did that throughout our careers and continue doing that now through what I have entitled the SPARTA Service Spotlight.
Our first focus was American Education Week in November. Many thanks to coordinator Barb Clementi and to all who made our activities a success. Heartfelt messages to new staff in area schools and sweet treats for all were appreciated. I also addressed the school board at their monthly meeting about the significant roles played by all. I think it’s super important that the current educators know we support them and thank them for all they do each and every day.
Please look for details in this newsletter about our next SPARTA Service Spotlight…Books from the Heart. I’m excited to ask for your support for this amazing program.
It’s also important that we have some fun and ramp up the social side of our organization. Consider sticking around after our January 9th meeting for the White Elephant Gift Exchange. Again, more details about how to participate are in this newsletter. Look for, you guessed it, the white elephant.
Finally, I remember a certain gleefulness on Fridays when I had a chance to connect with colleagues for social camaraderie. Let’s create our own Happy Hour tradition, beginning on Wednesday, Feb. 8 at the Amber Grill at the Holiday Inn. Details inside.
Please let me or the other officers know what you like, don’t like, are interested in, etc. We’ll do our best to make this organization a true reflection of your interests and needs. Hope to see you at our general meeting on January 9th and remember to bring a friend.
Thank you,
Stick around after the
January 9th meeting
for our bonus party
Scrounge around for “white elephant” gift
Don’t buy anything
Wrap it…Bring it…Exchange it
Meeting Minutes
SPARTA meeting – November 14, 2022
Park Ridge Restaurant
At 11:25 Carol opened the meeting with remarks honoring our veterans.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Carol acknowledged veterans Jerry Kasdorf and Dean Calhoun, whose wife Donna was a guest.
27 members were present plus another guest Marge Gloudemans.
Carol Colby: Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to lead this group.
Ginny Williams: Thanks for allowing her to attend WREA conference.
Christine Neidlein: Mentioned WPEN (Wisconsin Public Education Network) another non-profit whose goals are aligned with ours / supporting public education. There are no dues and anyone can join to keep up with their undertakings.Find out more at: Wisconsin Public Education Network (
Jan Langton / Treasurer:
Meetings: WREA convention 144.00
SPARTA membership 45.00
Supplies: 52.47
Grants: WREA Foundation 100.00
Wortuba-Polson 200.00
Guest speaker stipend 100.00
Book Sale: 1203.50
Total 1844.97
SPARTA dues 228.00
Donations 462.00
Total 690.00
WREA dues 180.00
Membership Report (as of 10/01/22)
Paid 2022-2023 22
Life 19
Emeritus 3
Total 44
Members of WREA and SPARTA: 29
Jan Langton moved that the following donations be accepted: $200 from anonymous and $150 from anonymous. Seconded by Judy Zimmerman. The motion carried unanimously.
Jan Langton moved that donations to the SPARTA scholarships in the amount of $100 each be made in memory of Dorothy Helmrick and Joyce Wotruba-Polson. Seconded by Barb Clementi. The motion carried unanimously.
Barb Clementi updated us on SPARTA plans for American Education Week. Gift bags are being distributed to each school which contain “sweet treats” but more importantly information about SPARTA especially for those anticipating retirement. There are 80 new teachers in the district.
A project for a SPARTA member to “adopt“ a pen pal who is teaching for their first year was introduced with a goal of supporting them and showing our appreciation.
Santha Bickford / Health and Wellness: Ask questions at ADRC (Aging & Disabilities Resource Center). Go to to find answers to other questions.
Jerry Kasdorf encouraged all to get a flu shot this year and to make sure your COVID vaccine/booster is for the bivalent omicron strain.
Janeen Kwarciany/Book Committee: She thanked us for bringing book donations to the meeting.
The next book sale will be summer of 2023 as far as we know. If you know others who have books to donate, share their names with Janeen or a member of the Book Committee.
Dates to be aware of:
December 10th – Newsletter deadline.
December 13th – Executive Committee meeting
January 9, 2023 – next SPARTA meeting.
Speaker: Karla Lockman - Boston School Forest. Karla taught science at SPASH for 7 years and has been at Boston School Forest since 2015. She said, “Every day is a field trip. H.D. Boston donated 80 acres in 1937 and 2 trees were planted. Students have planted 111,000+ trees since 1937. 6000+ students are served every year.
Sally Ellingboe coordinated a fundraiser to build Oelke Lodge which serves 4K – 5th graders.
Noble Lodge serves 6th – 10th graders. There is also a Discovery Center and skis and cabins to utilize an outdoor shelter. Another building (which Anton Anday was instrumental in planning) is the Wisconsin Forest
History Cabin. They also facilitate Professional Development for Teachers. They try to be “super-sustainable “utilizing solar, geothermal and wind power.
Some dates to note: December 10th - 10 a.m.-Noon - “Polar Pond Plunge“- a fundraiser.
(2023) January 20th - Open House, April 23rd - Earth Day activities; August 18th - Forest Fun Run/Walk. There are many opportunities for volunteers at the school forest. Boston School Forest is paired with RSV, time and activities vary.
Lynne Kagelmann/Membership: Join WREA for only $60.00. We all reap the benefits. Our lobbyists fight for public education. Lynne added: Bring a friend to a SPARTA meeting.
Deb Kluz Baker/Programs: Share any ideas you might have for programs and speakers. These are some of the upcoming speakers: Traveler Lana Tierney , Sam Dinga or another representative from the District’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Dept, Michelle Venzke from “ Real Deals “ a local shop, John Harry, from Portage County Historical Society at Heritage Park in the summer Keith Olson, past SPAEA president and a program honoring veterans.
Eileen Payne/Social: Planning a spring 2023 Trolley tour, possibly to see our many murals. Possibly Antiquity Acres / March plantings; April – “The Music Man “sponsored by Lincoln Center.
Joyce Chekouras: Thanks for submitting volunteer hours. Hint: Record them in a daily planner.
Nancy Kemmeter : She and Gene visited Elbert Rackow and suggested mailing holiday
cards to him c/o his daughter, Elbert Rackow, c/o Helen Johannes , 512 W Cleveland St., Marshfield, WI 54449
Motion to adjourn made by Deb Kluz Baker and seconded by Santha Bickford. Motion carried.
Many AARP door prizes solicited by David Blado at the WREA conference were distributed and then: Laurel Hoeth told us to bring a White Elephant prize to the January meeting.
Submitted by Secretary / Christine Neidlein
Treasurer’s Report (Nov. 1 - Dec. 10, 2022)
Jan Langton, Treasurer
Nov. Meeting 13.54
Convention 682.13
Supplies 674.22
Nov. Stipend 100.00
Rent 405.00
TOTAL: $1,874.89
SPARTA dues 258.00
This incredible program needs your help.
Please bring a book (or two or three) appropriate for a K-2 grader or make a cash or check (payable to Books from the Heart)
donation to this program at our January 9th meeting.
There are other opportunities to help; a fact sheet is included in this newsletter to help you publicize the book drive.
Books from the Heart, begun in 1998, has provided a free book for every public and parochial student in the Stevens Point area. More than 4000 books are needed each year. Kennedy School reading specialist Sally Crane is the coordinator and would really appreciate your support.
You can send donations to Sally Crane, Kennedy Elementary School, 616 West 2nd St., Junction City, WI 54443 if you are not able to attend our January 9th meeting.
Community Foundation 40th Anniversary
On the evening of November 17 our Community Foundation held a very fancy party to celebrate the 40th anniversary of their founding. Santha Bickford represented SPARTA at the event. She wrote her check and proudly represented SPARTA. She definitely had not dressed up that much since the beginning of COVID! John Hartman took formal photos of each guest or party as they arrived and fancy meals were ordered in advance.
There were many toasts, awarding of honors, and fund-raising for all the many worthy causes they support in our community. Everybody who is anybody in Stevens Point was there. In the historical part of the program, she learned that the idea of establishing a fund was originally discussed as a way to sustain Boston School Forest. That sparked the idea of supporting many community causes and endeavors. Our current BSF folks were there as was Karen Dostal, the BSF director when she retired. It
was fun to reconnect with friends and acquaintances, to celebrate the great things the Foundation has done, and to hope and plan for the future. Santha
Committee Members 2022-2023
*indicates chair
Book Committee: *Janeen Kwarciany, Lynne Kagelmann, Nancy Kemmeter, Charlene Laurent, Mary Marks, Nancy Mezyk, Christine Neidlein, Chris Schlicher, Janet Swiston, Fran Vollrath
Data Committee: *Sherrilee Wallerman, Jack Allgaier, Janet Langton, Judy Zimmerman
Grants Committee: *Janet Swiston, Nancy Kemmeter, Janeen Kwarciany, Nancy Mezyk, Eileen Payne, Fran Vollrath
Health and Well-Being Committee: *Jerry Kasdorf, Santha Bickford, Bob Bowen
Historical Committee: *Eileen Payne, Christine Neidlein
Legislative Committee/Liaison To Coalition of WI Aging Groups: *Joyce Chekouras, Christine Neidlein
Membership Committee: *Lynne Kagelmann, Santha Bickford, Carol Colby, Jennifer Graboski, Jan Langton
Program Committee: *Deb Kluz Baker, Eileen Payne, Mary Zinda, Carol Colby
Retirement Planning: Santha Bickford, Judy Zimmerman
Social Committee: *Eileen Payne, Barb Clementi, Mary Moore, Barb Clementi, Sherrilee Wallerman
Sunshine Committee: *Mary Beth Anday, Sally Dehlinger, Suzanne Fee
Volunteer Hours Recorder: *Joyce Chekouras
Book Look, our reading friend
Owners Ken Manske and Mary Lou Harris-Manske recently donated a number of boxes of books for our annual sale. Their generosity will help us help others.
Perhaps you can keep that cycle of support going by purchasing gifts for Books from the Heart or for personal gift-giving from them.
Book Look will be open through the month of December before taking a short hiatus for warmer temperatures. They are offering a 20% discount for all Books from the Heart purchases.
Call or contact them today to set a time to visit and support them just as they support us.
A big THANK YOU to all SPARTA members who participated in the voting process on November 8th! As we all know voting is the most important way to exercise our participation in our Democracy.
Another way to exercise our participation is to contact our representatives and congratulate those who have recently been elected. It’s critically important to establish a quality relationship with all our legislators in order to advocate for success.
As we look ahead to 2023 you are encouraged to become a WREA member if you aren’t already. When you do you can log-in to Legislative Notification Service (under WREA LEGISLATIVE RESOURCES) and get nightly email notifications regarding Wisconsin’s legislative activity. This enables you to follow legislation by subject proposal, committee, authors and more. The information will be critical in advocacy efforts.
More resources on the WREA LEGISLATIVE RESOURCES site include: “Who Are My Legislators”, “The Wheeler Report”, “CONGRESS – National Legislative information”, “Wisconsin Eye”, “Wisconsin Policy Forum”, “No Time to Lose Report”, “How A Bill Becomes A Law”.
Other key information on this site can be found under the following headings: PENSION, STATE BUDGET PROCESS, WREA LEGISLATIVE DOCUMENTS.
WREA works with SAA (State Administrators’ Association) regarding key bills being presented. The latest information and status of Governor Evers’ listening sessions can be found on the website: Please scan these bills as many will have critical impact on public education.
Thank you for all you’re doing in support of Wisconsin public education and the Wisconsin Retirement System, our pension.
Joyce Chekouras
Our next meeting in 2023 is:
Monday, March 13, 2023 – 11:00 AM
In the Spring of 2023, AWARDS will be presented to public middle schools for existing innovative projects implemented in the 2020-2021, 2021-2022, or 2022-2023 school years. The application period will begin November 1, 2022 and end February 1, 2023.
The Awards recognize ongoing, innovative projects not more than three years old. The application form is simple and requires a project description limited to no more than 500 words. The application form for public middle schools will be available from November 1 through February 1 during the application time. Challenge Award Grant Application is only available online: https:/
February 4th – WREA Retirement ZOOM Presentation – for new retirees
February 8th – SPARTA Happy Hour – Amber Grill – 4:00 – 6:00 PM - Open to All
May 4th – WREA Spring Conference – Holiday Inn – Stevens Point – Need Volunteers for Registration Desk – Theme -
“Belonging is Key” – SAVE THE DATE
- Meeting agendas
- Meeting minutes
- SPARTA updates
- SPARTA newsletters
Send website information to our webmaster:
Janet Langton –
Book In-Take Days
No In-Take Days during the winter. Any books, puzzles, CDs, or DVDs that you are saving for our 2023 sale can be brought to the January meeting. If members know of people who want to donate, please get their contact information: Name, Phone Number, Email or Text Number, and forward it to a Book Committee member.
Please consider writing a letter to the editor and/or posting info on your social media…or simply share with friends and family. Please be creative and make your letter sound unique.
Community sponsored program that provides a free book for every Stevens Point public and parochial student in kindergarten, first and second grade
Drive now through Feb. 10
Valentine’s Day gift to our young readers
Program in existence since 1998
Reinforces the love the reading and demonstrates the caring generosity of our community as we gather 4000 books each year for our young readers
Stevens Point Area Retired Teachers’ Association (SPARTA) assisting with the drive this year
Send monetary or book donations to coordinator (checks made out to Books from the Heart)
Sally Crane
Kennedy Elementary School
616 West 2nd St.
Junction City, WI 54443
Stevens Point Journal
Questions? Contact Jamie Rokus at or 715-424-7311
MetroWire Email letters to
Must express an opinion
Must be written in the body of an email, not attached as a document
Portage County Gazette Email letters to
Maximum of 500 words
Include the author’s full name and city of residence
Letters cannot be a thank you message or sponsorship listing
SPARTA Membership 2022-2023
Return this application and your dues to
Jan Langton, 2010 Aspen Lane, Plover, WI 54467
Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _________________________________________________________________________
District and school from which you retired ___________________________________________________
Preferred phone number __________________________________________________________________
Email ________________________________________________________________________________
☐ Our default method of communication is through email. If you wish to receive a paper copy of the newsletter, check this box.
☐ I’m a new member. My first year is free!
☐ $15 annual
☐ $15 Associate annual
☐ $200 Life
WREA dues can be paid directly to WREA. You can pay dues online at or mail them to: WREA, 6405 Century Ave, Suite 201, Middleton, WI 53562.
Regular membership (retired teachers, current teachers, support staff, k-12, administrators, technical college and university.)
☐ $60 annual
☐ $165 three-year
☐ $1,000 life
Associate membership (spouses of members, other annuitants in the Wisconsin Retirement System, friends of education.)
☐ $40 annual
☐ $105 three-year
WREA and WEA are NOT the same organization. WREA’s main purpose is to protect the pension system and support public education. WEA is/was the union. Being a member of one doesn’t equate to being a member of the other. Many of us are life members of both.
Please estimate your time for September 2022 through August 2023 and submit this form to your unit in September 2023.
There are numerous volunteer opportunities in our communities and many people interested in volunteering. Most people volunteer without the expectation of recognition or compensation because volunteering offers a personal satisfaction and reward that cannot be found in other activities. People volunteer for reasons and look to do something that not only benefits their community, but that also inspires them. Volunteering should provide a winning experience for everyone—the volunteer, your organization, and the community. (adapted from the NRTA Toolkit)
UNIT NAME:____________________________________________
**This form may be returned at each unit meeting or at the end of the fiscal year depending on the operating procedure of the unit.
Category | Description/Examples | Total Hours | |
WITH OUR YOUTH (unpaid) |
| ||
WITH OUR COMMUNITY (unpaid) | o Church activities o Hospital/Care center volunteer o Public office volunteer (city or county) o Docent (museums, garden tours, etc. o Public Service Board/Trustee/Foundation o Mobile meals/nutrition/transportation o Service Organization (VFW, AARP, etc.) | ||
WITH WREA (unpaid) | o Serving as a unit officer or committee member o Attending Spring District Meeting o Attending workshops/seminars o Attending the WREA State Convention o Lobbying o Unit historical work o Other |
Please list the organizations you volunteered for this year:
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