The purposes of this Association are to:

  • The purposes of this Association are to:
  • A. Promote and protect the interests, rights, and welfare of the retired educators of the Stevens Point area in conjunction with the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association (WREA).
  • B. Monitor and work to improve the benefits for retired educators and other members of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS).
  • C. Encourage Association members to maintain membership in the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association (WREA).
  • D. Develop working relationships with local service organizations whose main emphasis is on aging groups and with organizations sharing goals similar to those of the Association.
  • E. Inform Association members about and advocate for educational and other relevant societal issues.
  • F. Inform members of activities in the area provided for senior citizens.
  • G. Encourage Association members to be active participants in community affairs on an individual basis.

2017 Sept Agenda and Notes

Monday, Sept 11, 2017 
President: Santha Bickford Vice President: Open 
Co-Secretaries: David Blado, Lauren Isberner Co-Treasurers: Janet Langton, Arvalea Crawford 
Immediate Past President: Joyce Chekouras 
Socialization at 11:00 followed by lunch at approximately 11:30. The business meeting will be called to order at approximately 12:15 with the program around 12:30. Business will be continued and concluded following the program. 
Note: Springville Grill is our second place to try out! They are closed to the public on Monday and opened especially for us! As we continue this exciting venture, be patient, positive, and be sure to give us feedback! 
Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance; Introductions of guests and new members. Time of Reflection, especially remembering Anna Burch, Andrea Drifka, Tom Gloudemans, Virginia Cable, Eleanor Tuszka, 
From The Poetry of Robert Frost, edited by Edward Connery Latham “When a friend calls me from the road and slows his horse to a meaning walk, I don’t stand still and look around on all the hills I haven’t hoed and shout from where I am, ‘What is it?’ No, not as there is a time to talk. I thrust my hoe in the mellow ground, blade-end up and five feet tall, and plod: I go up to the stone wall for a friendly visit.” 
Drawing for door prize 
Consent Agenda/ Officers’ Reports: Minutes of previous meeting as written on the final page (automatically approved if there are no corrections). 
Treasurer’s Report and Explanation of Proper Parliamentary Procedure by Jan Langton 
Program: “Pick Two: All the Things You Never Had Time to Do” featuring Barb Evans from RSVP, Barb Towey with Music. Music, Music, Linda Weber from Nicaragua Partnership, Anne Rogalski from the LIFE program, Jerry Lineberger from Friends of Schmeekle, and Nancy from AMBA (Each attendee will be able to choose two subjects!) 
Treasurer’s Report: 
Approve results of financial audit, presentation and approval of 2017-18 Budget. 
Committee Updates: 
Sunshine: Mary Beth Anday (Apr-Dec), Suzanne Fee (Jan-Mar). Please remember to contact them if you hear of someone we may want to remember with a card. Numbers and email addresses are in the Directory. Mary Beth’s email is 
Social: Eileen Payne: Feedback on trip to Fireside. 
Grants: Revised deadlines and policies. 
Book Sale Committee: Nancy Kemmeter, Janeen Kwarciany: The fall book sale dates are Wed., Oct. 18 – Sat. Oct. 21. Set-up day is Mon., Oct. 16. Sign-up sheets will be available at the Sept. and Oct. meetings, so check your calendars to save the dates. Posters will also be available at the Sept. meeting. As usual, take-in days for books are the fourth Monday of the month. 
New book committee members are welcome. We have a variety of duties and although being able to lift is helpful, it is not a requirement. 
Please donate extra 2018 calendars you receive in the mail to the book sale. 
Coordinator for Power of Attorney for Health Care: Joan Gilles. A session has been scheduled for October 13 at 1:00 pm at the ADRC. There is a need to train a few fresh presenters. 
Scholarship: Mary Ann Krems 
Health: Jerry Kasdorf, see article. 
Membership: Mary Ann Krems. 
Retirement Planning: Judy Zimmerman. The meeting has been scheduled for 7 pm Tuesday, September 26, at Ben Franklin Auditorium. Reservations may be called in to Lauren Isberner at 715 344 0186 or Judy Zimmerman at 715 341 0578. We could use help distributing flyers and publicizing-perhaps contacting our “adopted schools” again. 
Volunteer Hours Recorder: Joyce Chekouras. Joyce will be completing our state report after we turn in our hours in September. Please remember to bring your form! Even if you need to estimate or can only supply a total number of hours, it would still benefit us to have them. 
2. Continued Exploration of Meeting Sites The September meeting is scheduled for the Springville Grill on Plover Springs Drive. Reservations need to be called in to Sherry Wallerman by Friday, September 8, at noon! The October meeting is planned for Monday, October 9. The meeting spot will be determined. Details will follow. 
3. Report on our Web-site by Jan Langton 
1.News from WREA : 
The WREA Annual Convention will be held October 2-4 at Elkhart Lake. Registration materials are available. This is a great opportunity to learn, network, and have fun! 
2. Formation of Committee to Up-date/Revise By-Laws 
Elbert Rackow, Shelley Wallerman, and Dave Blado have volunteered to work on this. We could use a couple more folks to give their perspectives. 
3.Donations Needed! We will be collecting school supplies beginning with the September meeting. These will be donated to the Classroom Supply Closet, an organization set up for teachers to get the supplies that they need. WREA has given us a grant of $100 to purchase supplies for this purpose. The list of materials needed by Classroom Supply Closet was given out at the May meeting, and can be downloaded from our website Many of the materials requested by Classroom Supply Closet are the things we all collected for classroom projects: egg cartons, cardboard tubes, and the ever popular 2-liter pop bottle. Let the hoarding begin! 
3. Adjourn 
Elbert and Hulda Rackow have moved!! All of us know how much they have contributed over the years! And who could begin to count how many pounds of books Elbert has carried! (I’m sure it equals TONS!). They are in a comfortable apartment not far from their daughter in Marshfield. You can find them at 1100 E. Heritage Drive, Apt. 10, Marshfield, WI 54449. Elbert plans to continue his involvement with SPARTA. We wish them both many happy years in their “new digs.” 
As you know, our SPARTA year runs concurrent with the school year. That’s what we’re used to, right? As we begin another year I would like all committee members to let Santha know if they are NOT willing to continue. “Many hands make light work” is not just an old saying-it’s TRUE! Thanks for your faithful service. You make SPARTA the organization that it is! 
Check our website Jan Langton does a great job as our webmaster, and she loves to see lots of “hits”. It’s a great way to keep up-not only with our local stuff, but also state and national issues in education. 
PLEASE remember to turn in your volunteer hours to Joyce Chekouras. She needs to submit our hours and report organizations we served by September 30, so the heat is on! You may text or phone her at 715 446 1485. Her email is And remember to pick up your revised volunteer reporting form for next year. As promised by our state organization, it has been simplified! 
A member recently requested letterhead for SPARTA and, wouldn’t you know, Jan Langton has already developed one. She has cards, stationary, and return address labels with our logo. Please contact her if you need any of these things as you represent our organization. 
Things to remember for our September meeting: 
School supplies 
Volunteer hours 
Bring a friend! And any suggestions you have for other places to try out for our meetings. 
May Minutes for Stevens Point Area Retired Teachers Association 
REGULAR MEETING: On Monday, May 8th, 2017 SPARTA met at the Golden Corral with 25 present including our guest speaker, Dr Ray Reser and new member Sue Reinhardt. The door prize was won by Fran Vollrath. 
OFFICER'S REPORT: Jan Langton moved and Judy Zimmerman seconded to accept minutes as printed. Motion carried. A motion to approve treasurer's report was made by Mary Ann Krems and seconded by Arvie Crawford Motion passed. 
BOOK: $13,069.89 was made at the last book sale. Nancy Kemmeter announced that the committee will open one room of books for sale on Saturday, July 22nd to coincide with the downtown Crazy Day celebration. Nancy also made a motion to donate $200 to the Nicaragua Project c/o Paul Saroka. The motion was seconded by Sally Dehlinger. Motion carried. 
The Children's Museum sent a thank you note to SPARTA for the money given to them. 
GRANT: Brittany Gagas from Amherst is this year's SPARTA grant recipient. 
LEGISLATIVE: A legislative priorities pamphlet was distributed to help keep members informed about issues impacting public education. The Coalition of Aging groups is having its' 40th year celebration in Madison. Anyone interested in participating may contact Santha Bickford. 
MEMBERSHIP: It was suggested to call our assigned schools to get a list of retirees and then let Sally Dehlinger know who these people are then an informative letter from SPARTA can be sent to them. 
RETIREMENT: Plans are proceeding to have another retirement presentation in September. 
SOCIAL: Eileen Payne reminded us the trip to the Fireside theater is June 15th. Remember to get your money to her. The trip is full. If, however, you would like to attend call Eileen to see if there have been any cancellations. Eileen shared trips that the ADRC is offering as well. 
SUNSHINE: Cards were sent to Fran Vollrath upon the death of her mother and the family of Ramona Weisbrod. Keep Leigh Allgaier in your thoughts as she continues to control her health issues. 
Please contact the following members if you would like more information about the WREA Seminar held in Wausau, or the District III spring meeting held in Stratford. Mary Ann Krems, Jan Langton, Santha Bickford or Sherrilee Wallerman. 
Remember to record your volunteer hours so they can easily be handed in at the fall meeting. 
NEW BUSINESS: A motion by Eileen Payne to keep dues at $12 for the 2017-18 fiscal year was seconded by Fran Fulton. Motion passed. 
Mary Ann Krems offered the availability of a DVD she has titled the "PJ Jacobs Story". 
There is a new local group called the "Classroom Supply Closet, Inc." Contact Santha Bickford if you would like more information. 
FORMAL PROGRAM: Dr. Ray Reser from UW-SP gave an informative presentation on the future of Native Americans. His $100 stipend was given to the Natural History Museum. 
NEXT MEETING: The September 11th meeting will be at Springville Grill. Reservations are needed. Stay tuned. 
Respectfully Submitted by Lauren Isberner 

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