The purposes of this Association are to:

  • The purposes of this Association are to:
  • A. Promote and protect the interests, rights, and welfare of the retired educators of the Stevens Point area in conjunction with the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association (WREA).
  • B. Monitor and work to improve the benefits for retired educators and other members of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS).
  • C. Encourage Association members to maintain membership in the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association (WREA).
  • D. Develop working relationships with local service organizations whose main emphasis is on aging groups and with organizations sharing goals similar to those of the Association.
  • E. Inform Association members about and advocate for educational and other relevant societal issues.
  • F. Inform members of activities in the area provided for senior citizens.
  • G. Encourage Association members to be active participants in community affairs on an individual basis.

2019 July Newsletter

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July 8, 2019
Retirement’s a Picnic
Boston School Forest
5084 Lincoln Ave.
Plover, WI 54467

11:30 am.  Socializing
12:00 am. Lunch
1:00 pm. Program Speaker

Program What’s going on in the forest today?

Action Items:
1. Approval of Grant Monies

President:  - Santha Bickford                                 Vice President:  - Vacant
Treasurer: - Janet Langton                                 Co-Secretaries: - Dave Blado, Lauren Isberner    
Data Manager: - Sherrilee Wallermann                                                      Immediate Past President:  - Joyce Chekouras
Committee Members 2019-2020   Program Committee: Eileen Payne, Mary Zinda, Santha Bickford   
Coordinators for Power of Attorney for Health Care Committee: Santha Bickford, Bob Bowen, Janet Langton
Data Committee: Sherrilee Wallerman, Janet Langton, Jack Allgaier   
Retirement Committee: Judy Zimmerman, Sandy Schroeder, Santha Bickford   
Membership Committee: Kathleen Nicholson, Lynne Kagelmann, Sally Dehlinger   
Legislative Committee: Joyce Chekouras, Christine Neidlein 
Social Committee: Eileen Payne, Mary Moore, Barb Clementi  
Health Committee: Mary Ann Krems, Jerry Kasdorf, Laurie Pascutti, Betty Allar  
Historical Committee: Eileen Payne  
Book Committee: Nancy Kemmeter, Janeen Kwarciany, Nancy Mezyk, Janet Swiston, Mary Marks, Charlene    Laurent, Fran Vollrath, Elbert Rackow; Sally Dehlinger   
Sunshine Committee: Mary Beth Anday (Jan-Mar), Suzanne Fee (April-Dec.) Arvy Crawford, Santha Bickford

Grants Committee: Janet Swiston, Nancy Kemmeter, Janeen Kwarciany, Nancy Mezyk, Mary Marks, Charlene Laurent, Fran    Vollrath, Elbert Rackow, Eileen Payne 
50th Anniversary Committee: Sherrilee Wallerman, Barb Clementi, Sandy Schroeder

BUSINESS MEETING: (Beginning as soon as orders are taken and continuing through lunch)
1.     Call to order:
2.     Pledge of Allegiance;
3.     Introduction of guests and new members; 
4.     Drawing for door prize
5.     Consent Agenda
6.     Officers’ Reports:
7.     Minutes of previous meeting as written on the following pages (automatically approved if there are no corrections.)
8.     Treasurer’s Report
Regular Committee Updates: (Because members have expressed a desire to shorten the business meeting, we will only hear from those who have been active and wish to report.)
1.     Book Committee.
2.     Grant Committee
3.     Legislative Committee
4.     Health Committee
5.     Data Committee
6.     Membership Committee
7.     50th Anniversary Committee

1.     President’s Update
a.     July Picnic – Boston School Forest
2.     Program Presentation 


The Stevens Point Area Retired Teachers’ Association met on Monday, May 13th at the Park Ridge Cafe with approximately 28 present.

The meeting was called to order by President Bickford.  Elbert and Hulda Rackow were recognized for their 70th wedding anniversary.  Our representative from the Wisconsin Legislature, Katrina Shanklin, sent the Rackows a letter and beautiful plaque congratulating them for their milestone as well as their involvement in the Stevens Point Area Retired Educator's Association.  How wonderful for you both!

Dale Emrick was reintroduced to the group.  Santha shared how together they worked very hard helping with the landscaping at the Central Wisconsin Environmental Center.  Another example of our retirees volunteering in our communities!  Thank you!

A reminder... keep track of your volunteer hours so you are ready in the fall to report them to Joyce Chekouras. Santha has forms to help track them each month.

For our Moment of Reflection President Bickford read from Tom Freedman's book of quotes.  We were reminded to be sure to laugh at ourselves.

The door prize was won by Ginny Williams.

The minutes were approved as written.

Committee Reports: 
BOOK:  Nancy Kemmeter and Janeen Kwarciany thanked all the members and their spouses for so graciously helping to put another successful book sale together this spring.  Books were even sold on line.  A huge thank you to all volunteers and their efforts.

GRANT:  The number of organizations requesting money continues to rise.  The committee would appreciate your input as far as adding to, subtracting from or keeping criteria for qualifying for different grants the same.  Please contact Jan Swiston or any committee member (listed in our updated directory).  A reminder to those interested, the grant form is on the SPARTA website.  Applications begin August 1st.
Santha will remind committee members and executive officers of our June meeting at which time we will discuss how the money amounts for grants should be changed, if at all.  So again, your input is important.

HEALTH:  Mary Ann Krems distributed a handout about communicating with friends and relatives suffering from Alzheimer's and dementia.  Updated alternatives describing how to effectively communicate with those loved ones was most helpful. 
Betty Allar suggested members check with their physician about receiving the measles vaccine.

SOCIAL: Eileen Payne let us know that 61 people are signed up to attend the Buddy Holly performance this summer.  Thank you, Eileen, for all your time and efforts to arrange such fun outings!

DATA:  Thanks to Sherrilee Wallerman, the updated directories are here!

A reminder to mark your calendars for our SPARTA celebration in November.  We will be 50 years young.  Reservations are needed for purposes of planning and set-up.  Please let Barb Clementi know of your intent to attend.  Tickets are $15.  We are going to have great food and entertainment.

Our first time ever SPARTA picnic will be held at the Boston School Forest on July 8th.  Mark the date and remember to invite any new retirees you may know.

A big thank you to our very own Lynne Kagelmann, the District III spoke person for WREA.  She helped organize the District meeting in Wausau which went off without a hitch.  Our new computer data-storage program was introduced and explained. A very informative and enjoyable time was had by all. Membership in the WREA continues to be crucial so remember to promote the organization when visiting with educators.  We have access to an abundance of benefits.  WREA is the only group that protects our pension.

Danielle Belsky (Director of Operations) and Mikayla Kleifgen (Director of Events and Marketing) from the Boys and Girls Club presented members some interesting facts.  The Club is open on snow-days and open to everyone.  Stop-ins are welcome and will be given a friendly tour.  Those wanting to contribute in any way can go to their site and click on their Amazon Wish List for suggestions.

At 1:03pm Carol Van Alstine made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by David Blado.

Retirement is a picnic.  Our next meeting is a picnic July 8, 2019 at the Boston School Forest.  Invite a retired teacher friend.

Respectfully submitted.  Lauren Isberner

The Lincoln Center has several new exercise and strengthening programs for older adults and they need weights, which are expensive. If any of us have some weights sitting around the house, they would love to have them. If you have some weights please give Santha Bickford a call and she help you donate them.

Look for our next article on “Tips for Talking with Your Pharmacist” in our next newsletter.

November 11, 2019
Place: Sentry World, Atrium Room
11:30 Socializing
Noon – Meal
1:00 – 2:30 Entertainment/Program
Cost: $15.00 per person

50th Anniversary Celebration tickets will be sold at the May, July, and September meetings. 
Prepayment is required. NO REFUNDS
Theme: 50 Years of Memories and Shaping the Future


Book In-Take Day
As always, our take-in day is the fourth Monday of the month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Children’s Museum Building, 1100 Main St. Contact Nancy Kemmeter at 715-344-2598 with questions.

WREA Convention
September 23-25, 2019
La Crosse, WI

Consider becoming a SPARTA delegate!  We have to choose four delegates (and two alternates) to attend the state convention in LaCrosse September 23-25 so that we can get them properly registered. If you are interested in attending the WREA State Convention, please let Santha Bickford know of your interest.

September 9, 2019

We Did It! Impact of Passing the Referendums
Supt. Craig Gerlach

Book Sale Information


For more information, call Nancy Kemmeter at 715-344-2598 

The Central Wisconsin Children’s Museum made improvements to the SPARTA rental space. To make our space and the building safer, a sprinkler system was installed in the ceiling, ceiling tiles were replaced where needed and drywall was installed on the two walls with open spaces.

The book committee under the direction of Nancy Mezyk, moved anything moveable across the hall and painted the floor. It was a big project, but the floor looks great and will be easier to clean. Thank you to everyone that helped with the project.

Scheduled take-in days are: MONDAYS,
JUNE 24, JULY 22, AUG. 26, and SEPT. 23.

SPARTA’S 2019 Community Foundation Scholarship

Jessica Lange – UWSP

Alexandria Hutkowski - SPASH

-       Meeting agendas
-       Meeting minutes
-       SPARTA updates
-       SPARTA newsletters
-       50th Anniversary Celebration updates
Send website information to our webmaster:
Janet Langton –

Audit Committee Appointed
The Executive Committee appointed the following people to the 2019 Audit Committee.
·       Sherrilee Wallerman
·       Barb Clementi
·       Eileen Payne

Approval of 2019-2020 SPARTA Grants
The Grants Committee will have the list of the 2019-2020 SPARTA Grant Recipients and approval vote by paper ballot at the November SPARTA Anniversary Celebration.

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