Monday, October 9, 2017
President: Santha Bickford Vice President: Open
Co-Secretaries: David Blado, Lauren Isberner Co-Treasurers: Janet Langton, Arvalea Crawford
Immediate Past President: Joyce Chekouras
Socialization at 11:00 followed by lunch at approximately 11:30. The business meeting will be called to order at approximately 12:15 with the program around 12:30. Business will be continued and concluded following the program.
Call to order: Pledge of Allegiance; Introductions of guests and new members. Time of Reflection, especially remembering Lillian Spanbaur in the loss of her husband Earl.
From author Brigitte Nicole: Sometimes there is sadness in our journey, but there is also beauty. We must keep putting one foot in front of the other even when we are hurting for we will never know what is waiting for us around the corner.
Drawing for door prize
Consent Agenda/ Officers’ Reports: Minutes of previous meeting as written on the final page (automatically approved if there are no corrections).
Program: Central Wisconsin Children’s Museum director Sandy Williams
Treasurer’s Report
Committee Updates:
Sunshine: Mary Beth Anday (Apr-Dec), Suzanne Fee (Jan-Mar). Please remember to contact them if you hear of someone we may want to remember with a card. Numbers and email addresses are in the Directory. Mary Beth’s email is
Social: Eileen Payne
Grants: Recommendations for fall grants. Copies will be on tables at the meeting.
Book Sale Committee: Nancy Kemmeter, Janeen Kwarciany: The fall book sale will be held Wed., Oct. 18, noon to 7pm; Thursday, Oct. 19, 9am to 7pm; Friday, Oct. 20, 9am to 7pm; and Saturday, Oct. 21, 9am-2pm. Assistance is also needed for set-up Mon., Oct. 16 at 10am and take-down Saturday, Oct. 21, after 2pm. Sign-up sheets are available at the meeting, or call Nancy Mezyk at 715 341 5905. Have fun working with members, find a new book, movie, or music, all while raising money for our scholarship fund and grants to community organizations working with children and the elderly. Posters have been distributed and are still available. Mary Lou Harris and her husband Ken Manske made a very generous donation of new books as they closed their store Book Look. Our president sent them a letter of profuse thanks, not only for their donation, but also for their wonderful service to the entire community. As usual, take-in days for books are the fourth Monday of the month.
Coordinator for Power of Attorney for Health Care: Joan Gilles. A session has been scheduled for October 13 at 1:00 pm at the ADRC. There is a need to train a few fresh presenters. Interested? Call Santha @ 715 340 5501.
Scholarship: Mary Ann Krems
Health: Jerry Kasdorf, Portage County Prescription Drug Take-back
Membership: Mary Ann Krems.
Retirement Planning: Judy Zimmerman. The meeting was held 7 pm Tuesday, September 26, at Ben Franklin Auditorium. The presenter was Earl Jewett from Phillips.
Volunteer Hours Recorder: Joyce Chekouras. Joyce completed and turned in our hours from last year. Delegates to the convention picked up the new and improved forms and they are available! Remember to pick yours up and keep counting!
2. Continued Exploration of Meeting Sites The October meeting is scheduled for the Parkridge Restaurant on Church Street (formerly Blue Top). Reservations need to be called in to Mary Ann Krems by October 5, at noon! The November meeting is planned for Monday, November 13. The meeting spot will be announced at the meeting. Details will follow.
3. Formation of Committee to Up-date/Revise By-Laws
Elbert Rackow, Sherrilee Wallerman, and Dave Blado have volunteered to work on this. We could use a couple more folks to give their perspectives. The committee has not yet met pending new information expected from the annual convention.
4. Supplies
The Supply Closet folks on Minnesota Avenue were delighted with our generous donation. We plan to continue to support them with both new and recycled materials!
5. Report on our Web-site by Jan Langton
1.News from WREA :
The WREA Annual Convention was held October 2-4 at Elkhart Lake. Our delegates were Jan Langton, Eileen Payne, Sherrilee Wallerman, and Santha Bickford. They will briefly report the highlights. See any of them after the meeting if you would like details.
2.Education Week
Education Week is Nov. 13-17 this year. As in the past, we would like personal contact with local public schools and all connected. Are those who “adopted” schools last year willing to continue? Who will volunteer to write Letters to the Editor, etc.? We have some very good examples from last year to use as templates.
3. Adjourn
Our sympathy is extended to our member and friend Lillian Spangenberg in the loss of her husband Earl on Sept. 18. Earl was a retired professor at UW/SP and he so faithfully brought Lillian to our meetings. He is mourned and missed by many.
We have a new VIP in our midst! Lynne Kegelmann and her husband recently moved into the area from rural Gleason. She has served as director for District 1 of WREA as well as currently serving on the state Membership Committee. Welcome to SPARTA, Lynn! We are delighted to have you join us.
There are several bits of information from presenters at our last meeting. Barb Towey recommended many opportunities for members who are interested in either watching or participating in performances around the community. Some of you may not know about River City Jazz which will be performing free at the Sky Club on October 13 and 27. Come enjoy-listening, dancing, having a cocktail??? In the same vein, the Swing Doctors play on the third Thursdays each month. Another interesting special in October will be an ecumenical service to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation! This community event will be in the auditorium at SPASH October 29 at 2:00 pm. Barb’s number is in our directory if you have questions or need further info about any of these events.
Those interested in Friends of Schmeekle may call 715 346 4992 or email at Our presenter, Jerry Lineberger, was engaging and enthusiastic and such a cheerleader for our schools in Stevens Point!
LIFE class information for very interesting presentations, tours, and stimulating company contact Ann Rogalski at 346 2426 or email
Our presenter from Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners was none other than Bob Bowen’s own daughter, Amy Wiza along with Maria Centeno, a teacher from Nicaragua. This wonderful organization offers a variety of activities and another chance to meet great people and even travel. Contact them at 715 346 4702 or
Barb Evans from RSVP has single-event opportunities for volunteers as well as on-going programs involving everything from telephones to envelopes, speaking, and driving! Contact her at ADRC 715 715 346 1401 and ask for her or email at
Finally, our presenter from AMBA has all kinds of information for WREA members planning to travel as well as those looking for supplementary, dental, or vision insurance and a host of others. Contact them at
Things to remember for our October meeting:
School supplies
Pick up a new volunteer form
Bring a friend along with suggestions you have for other places to try for our meetings.
Minutes September, 2017
REGULAR MEETING: On Monday, September 11, 2017 SPARTA met at the Springville Grill with 42 present including six guest speakers and our new member, Lynne Kegelmann. The door prize was won by Laurie Pascutti.
A minutes correction was made changing the amount of money made at both the October 16th and May 2017 book sales to $12,763.79. A motion to approve amended minutes was made by Mary Ann Krems and seconded by Judy Zimmerman.
TREASURER'S report: The final report of the 2016-2017 financial audit was presented. A motion by Janeen Kwarciany and a second by Jack Allgaier to accept the final report was approved.
BUDGET: The proposed 2017-2018 budget was presented. A motion to approve was made by Arvalia Crawford and seconded by Sally Dehlinger.
A motion to donate $100 each to the community scholarship fund for the four SPARTA members who have recently passed was made by Santha Bickford. Nancy Kemmeter so moved and Barb Clementi seconded.
BOOK: The fall book sale dates are Wednesday, October 18-Saturday, October 21. Set-up is Monday, October 16. Sign-up sheets were available. Publicity posters were also available. You may donate books on the fourth Monday of the month. If you have extra 2018 calendars please feel free to donate those as well. Thank you to Ken and Mary Lou Manski for their generous donations of a variety of many books.
COORDINATOR FOR POA FOR HEALTH CARE: A session at the ADRC has been scheduled for October 13th at 1:00pm.
GRANTS: Jan Swiston informed us this committee is meeting shortly and will have a list of grantees at our next meeting.
HEALTH: Jerry Kasdorf had hand outs about completing proper documents for emergency health plans.
MEMBERSHIP: Thank you to Sally Dehlinger and Mary Ann Krems for their time on this committee. New retirees were contacted. Remember to invite friends to our meetings.
RETIREMENT : A representative from the WRS will be at Ben Franklin Auditorium on Tuesday, September 26th at 7:00pm for an informative presentation and Q+A session. Publicity posters were distributed.
SCHOLARSHIP: Mary Ann Krems reminded us that scholarship information may be accessed on line at the SPARTA web site.
SOCIAL: The Fireside Theater trip was fun and successful! We are looking forward to the next planned event. Thank you to those social committee members for organizing these events. Any suggestions for activities are most welcome.
SUNSHINE: We remembered those members that have passed and cards have been sent to their families.
VOLUNTEER HOURS: Please continue logging your volunteer hours and sending them to our recorder, Joyce Chekouras.
NEW BUSINESS An ad hoc committee is being formed to review the bylaws.
Jan Langton presented the SPARTA letterhead. Eileen Payne suggested using this letterhead with future communications.
"Classroom Supply Closet, Inc." is a new group in town supporting local educatiors. SPARTA will be donating supplies to this group.
FORMAL (or should we say INformal)PROGRAM: Six different speakers presented very informative information on six different subjects. Members chose two presentations to attend.
A motion to adjourn was made by Fran Vollrath and seconded by Dave Blado.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be October 9th. The location will be announced shortly. Our speaker will be Sandy Williams from the Central Wisconsin Children's Museum.
Respectfully Submitted by Lauren Isberner
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