(Sorry, the images don't copy.)
March 9, 2020
Park Ridge
3425 Church St.
Stevens Point, WI
11:00 am. Socializing
11:15 am. Order
Lunch Entrée
11:30 am. Business
12:30 pm. Program
Topic: Happy Endings
Speaker Information
Stephanie Inman, CSW, has worked in long term care since
2003 when she started her career as a social work intern at Portage County
Health Care Center. After graduating from UWSP, she obtained ger social work
license and worked at Portage County Health Care Center for 10 years as the
Director of Social Services. In 2015 Stephanie took a job working with Ministry
Home Care as a Home Care Coordinator educating on the benefits of home health
and hospice services For the last 2 years she has worked specifically with
hospice helping patients and families to understand the benefits of its
services and how we can assist. She works with nursing homes, clinics, and
facilities in the area as well as reviewing these services.
President: Santha Bickford
President: Vacant
Treasurer: Janet Langton
Co-Secretaries: Dave Blado, Lauren Isberner
Data Manager: Sherrilee Wallermann
Immediate Past President: Joyce Chekouras
Emeritus Past President – Elbert Rackow
Committee Members 2019-2020 Program Committee: Eileen Payne, Mary Zinda, Santha Bickford
for Power of Attorney for Health Care Committee: Santha
Bickford, Bob Bowen, Jerry Kasdorf
Data Committee:
Sherrilee Wallerman, Janet Langton, Jack Allgaier
Committee: Judy Zimmerman, Sandy Schroeder, Santha Bickford
Committee: Lynne Kagelmann,
Sally Dehlinger
Committee: Joyce Chekouras, Christine Neidlein
Committee: Eileen Payne, Mary Moore, Barb Clementi, Sherrilee Wallerman
Committee: Mary Ann Krems, Jerry Kasdorf, Laurie Pascutti
Committee: Eileen Payne
Committee: Nancy Kemmeter, Janeen Kwarciany, Nancy Mezyk, Janet Swiston,
Mary Marks, Charlene
Laurent, Fran Vollrath, Elbert Rackow; Sally Dehlinger
Committee: Mary Beth Anday (Jan-Mar), Suzanne Fee (April-Dec.) Arvy
Crawford, Santha Bickford
Committee: Janet Swiston, Nancy Kemmeter, Janeen Kwarciany, Nancy Mezyk,
Mary Marks, Charlene Laurent, Fran Vollrath, Elbert Rackow, Eileen Payne
MEETING: (Beginning as soon as orders are taken and continuing through
Call to order:
Pledge of Allegiance;
Introduction of guests and new members;
Drawing for door prize
Consent Agenda
Officers’ Reports:
No Minutes of previous meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Committee Updates: (Because members have expressed a desire to shorten the
business meeting, we will only hear from those who have been active and wish to
Book Committee.
Grant Committee
Legislative Committee
Health Committee
Data Committee
Membership Committee
None at this time
Program Presentation
On Monday January 13th, SPARTA members met at
the Park Ridge Family Restaurant.
Approximately 30 people were in attendance.
The Door Prize was won by Christine Neidlein.
It was noted that Jan Higgin's husband recently
passed. His funeral was Thursday,
January 16th in Plover. Members
were also made aware that former music teacher, Rose Matthews has also died. Our sunshine committee has sent cards.
A motion to accept the consent agenda was made
by Mary Zinda and seconded by Mary Beth Anday.
SPARTA 50th Year Anniversary Committee
Barb Clementi mentioned and thanked the many
volunteers who helped make the 50th year SPARTA celebration at Sentry so
Nancy Kemmeter reminded us the next sale is
April 29th thru May 2nd. Manpower
would be greatly appreciated this Saturday, January 18th as we are lifting and
hauling pallets of books. (Note: this has been cancelled due to the predicted
snowstorm). Janeen Kwarciany
informed the group that there is a need for cardboard boxes for book storage.
President Bickford informed us the directory
is currently being updated.
Jan Swiston shared how there was very nice
feedback, and several thank you notes from grant recipients. These were passed among the group for
Mary Ann Krems reminded members that it is not
too late to get your vaccine and flu shots. They are still effective.
Christine Neidlein passed on how there is a
resolution being discussed by our County Board to have an advisory referendum
on “Fair Maps” in April. This Fair
Maps resolution deals with setting boundaries of electoral districts.
An editorial titled “Census Must Lead to Fair
Voting Maps in Wisconsin” can be found in the January 12, 2020 issue of the
Wisconsin State Journal.
The state of Iowa has a model for other states
to reference. For more facts you
may go to https://www.co.portage.wi.us/about-us/county board.
Please call your county supervisor if you
would like to share your opinion.
Joyce Chekouras wants members to know that
personal data can be used in ways we are unaware. For more information go to the Great Hack and Democracy.org
Lynne Kagelmann shared that she and members Sherrilee
Wallerman, Jan Langton and Santha Bickford spent time preparing and sending 80
post cards to people who may have forgotten about their membership. Sherrilee
created the composition and three different messages and had them printed on
label paper. Jan Langton and
Sherrilee addressed, personalized and signed each card. Lynne cut all the labels and Santha
Bickford hosted the event. The response was fantastic, and many appreciated the
SPARTA was audited in November and everything
looks great. Jan Langton reported the Book Sale proceeds were $6,148.57. The checkbook balance is $16,392.75.
Mary Ann Krems told us that there are several
presentations being held at the Portage County Library about Climate Change and
its' various effects on our planet.
If you want to be more informed about the climate and its' changes
attending these free forums would be most helpful.
Mary also reminded us of the Martin Luther
King event at SPASH Monday, January 20 at 7pm.
Laurel Hoeth has been spreading the word about
recognizing students for their accomplishments outside of athletics. There are community members and
students as well as school board members who are supportive of this initiative. SPARTA could have a role in supporting
this opportunity.
Mark your calendars for our summer picnic
which will be held on July 13, 2020 at Heritage Park, Plover. Reservations are required. Anton Anday reassured the group that
there are places for attendees to go for protection if the weather should
Our program; “Mark of the Tiger” was presented
by Marc Thwaits. Mr. Thwaits is a
retired science teacher from the Stevens Point school district. He shared the many positive and
difficult experiences of being a writer.
His book was also available for viewing and purchasing.
The program for our March 9th meeting is
“Happy Endings” by Ministry Home Care Hospice.
Our next executive meeting is February
21. Our next SPARTA meeting is
March 9.
A motion to adjourn was made by Jan Swiston
and seconded by Barb Clementi.
Respectfully submitted by Lauren Isberner

Flu is commonly a problem during
the fall and winter and this season has been very rampant. Common sense and simple steps can be
taken to aleve the discomfort.
Noro virus hits hard and fast for
about 48 hours. It includes
vomiting, diarrhea and sometimes a fever.
The best way to handle it is to cancel any activities, sleep a lot and
no food. Sipping on water
will keep you hydrated, or tea may help.
Taking Pepto Bismal (2 tablets after a bowel movement can relieve
distress. Stick with decaffeinated
tea, and water until the vomiting stops and when feeling better, you can add
applesauce, dry toast. If that
stays down the next day you can have the BRAT diet… Banana, cooked rice (I used
Instant), applesauce and tea/toast.
Don’t forget to wash your hands frequently.
Stay tuned for further steps to
avoid the Coronavirus that is sweeping the world.
Submitted by Jerry Kasdorf, Carol
Van Alstine and Mary Ann Krems Health Committee

The local Stevens Point Martin Luther King Jr.
Day Observance was held on Monday, January. 20th, several SPARTA
members were involved in this event.
Thank you for your community service.
The Book Committee
Nancy Kemmeter from the Book Committee
reported on the success of selling our leftover books to the book buyer from
The week of January 20 was an especially busy
one for us, as we got the new (THREE YEAR) lease for our space at the
Children’s Museum signed on the dotted line!

Members Attend Community Foundation Dinner
Eileen Payne Santha Bickford and Jan Langton
attended the Community Foundation Dinner on January 22nd.
It was held in the spectacular new “barn”
built by John Noel to store his unbelievable antique car collection on their
property just off Okray Drive in Plover! How many barns have you visited that
boast of a full bar, ice cream parlor, and plenty of space for visiting amid
about 40 splendid antique cars? We are invited to similar events every year!
Please consider representing us next year!
While we are talking about the Community
Foundation, their most recent report shows our current balance of $26,936.87
with our Spendable Balance of $1,046.14 available for scholarships is. So, this
year’s two $500 scholarships we are in good shape!
The Grants Committee

School Safety Meeting
Lauren Isberner represented us at the School
Safety meeting on February 12 chaired by Supt. Gerlach.
They expressed thanks that we had
representation at that meeting. It
fostered our on-going good relationship with the administration of Stevens
Point Area Schools as this is a high priority with us!
We will also send the superintendent a note
expressing our appreciation and approval for the recent mailing of the District
Newsletter to all homes in the District.
The Membership Committee
Our Membership Chair, Lynne Kagelmann reported
that the postcard effort continues to reap benefits of membership renewals and
the opportunity to update records.
We decided to continue and expand the postcard
campaign in the future.

May 1 - 4, 2019
The upcoming Wednesday, May 1 to Saturday, May 4 spring book sale
is fast approaching
We need
volunteers to work at the sale.
Please consider helping. Contact Nancy Mezyk with hours you want to work
at the book sale.
2nd Annual

July 13, 2020
Heritage Park
Reservations Required
Bring a Friend
Let’s increase our membership!
WREA District 3 Meeting

The Lodge
104 Lodge Lane
Lynne Keggelman
extends us an enthusiastic invitation to attend our District 3 Spring
Conference to be held in Mauston at Two Elk Event Center on Wednesday, May 6.
She promises it will present opportunities for education and socialization!
Conference Registration Fee is $35! Lynne will present details at the meeting.

May 11, 2020
On the Road Again – Brazil
David Blado
Park Ridge Family Restaurant

- Meeting agendas
- Meeting minutes
- SPARTA updates
- SPARTA newsletters
- 50th
Anniversary Celebration updates
Send website information to our webmaster:
Janet Langton –

Book In-Take Day
SPARTA Membership 2019-2020
Return this application and your dues to
Jan Langton, 2010 Aspen Lane, Plover, WI 54467
City, State, Zip
District and school from which you retired
Preferred phone number __________________________________________________________________
☐ Our default method of communication is
through email. If you wish to
receive a paper copy of the newsletter, check this box.
☐ I’m
a new member. My first year is
☐ $12
☐ $12
Associate annual
☐ $150
WREA dues can be paid directly to
WREA. You can pay dues online at wrea.net or mail them to:
WREA, 6405 Century Ave, Suite 201, Middleton, WI 53562.
Regular membership
(retired teachers, current teachers, support staff, k-12, administrators,
technical college and university.)
☐ $60 annual
☐ $165 three-year
$1,000 life
Associate membership (spouses of members, other annuitants in the
Wisconsin Retirement System, friends of education.)
☐ $40 annual
$105 three-year
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