The purposes of this Association are to:

  • The purposes of this Association are to:
  • A. Promote and protect the interests, rights, and welfare of the retired educators of the Stevens Point area in conjunction with the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association (WREA).
  • B. Monitor and work to improve the benefits for retired educators and other members of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS).
  • C. Encourage Association members to maintain membership in the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association (WREA).
  • D. Develop working relationships with local service organizations whose main emphasis is on aging groups and with organizations sharing goals similar to those of the Association.
  • E. Inform Association members about and advocate for educational and other relevant societal issues.
  • F. Inform members of activities in the area provided for senior citizens.
  • G. Encourage Association members to be active participants in community affairs on an individual basis.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Scam Alert

 From the WREA newsletter:

How Do I Protect Myself from the Scam Artists?

There are different ways in which a scam artist will try to engage you. 

  • One is by sending an email asking for help for a cause. 
  • They may even use a name that you are familiar with. 
  • Look at the email address. Is it one that you recognize? Does it match the name and organization of the sender?

If you got a phishing email or text message, report it. The information you give can help fight the scammers.

  1. If you got a phishing email, forward it to the Anti-Phishing Working Group at
  2. Report the phishing attack to the FTC website at
  3. Sign up for biweekly Watchdog Alerts from AARP's Fraud Watch Network. Click here to sign up.
  4. Report a Scam to the AARP Fraud Watch Network.

Read more in the Spring edition of the WREA News, coming to your mailbox soon.


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