The purposes of this Association are to:

  • The purposes of this Association are to:
  • A. Promote and protect the interests, rights, and welfare of the retired educators of the Stevens Point area in conjunction with the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association (WREA).
  • B. Monitor and work to improve the benefits for retired educators and other members of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS).
  • C. Encourage Association members to maintain membership in the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association (WREA).
  • D. Develop working relationships with local service organizations whose main emphasis is on aging groups and with organizations sharing goals similar to those of the Association.
  • E. Inform Association members about and advocate for educational and other relevant societal issues.
  • F. Inform members of activities in the area provided for senior citizens.
  • G. Encourage Association members to be active participants in community affairs on an individual basis.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Apology: more computer challenges

Sorry that it's been so long since the last post.  The new laptop came, and, of course, the connecting cords that were needed to transfer data from the old computer to the new weren't among the thousand in the electronic graveyard bin.  Apple, as always, changed the ports.  Once the needed cords arrived,  the transfer was made.  However, the Microsoft Office software that had been used successfully since 2008 finally gave out.  So now we await delivery of the new Microsoft package.

And the transfer lost the access to this editorial site for our blog.  Luckily, it was still alive on the old computer.   Macs are a high maintenance indulgence.  

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