The purposes of this Association are to:

  • The purposes of this Association are to:
  • A. Promote and protect the interests, rights, and welfare of the retired educators of the Stevens Point area in conjunction with the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association (WREA).
  • B. Monitor and work to improve the benefits for retired educators and other members of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS).
  • C. Encourage Association members to maintain membership in the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association (WREA).
  • D. Develop working relationships with local service organizations whose main emphasis is on aging groups and with organizations sharing goals similar to those of the Association.
  • E. Inform Association members about and advocate for educational and other relevant societal issues.
  • F. Inform members of activities in the area provided for senior citizens.
  • G. Encourage Association members to be active participants in community affairs on an individual basis.

Friday, January 3, 2020

January Meeting

January 13, 2020
Park Ridge Restaurant
3425 Church
Stevens Point, WI 54481

11:00 am.  Socializing
11:15 am. Order Lunch Entrée
11:30 am. Business Meeting
12:30 pm. Program Speaker

Mark of the Tiger: So you want to be a writer; what would your mother say? Marc Thwaits was a general science teacher at SPASH and Ben Franklin Jr. High, retiring in 2008.

He is a prairie farmer, falconer, and has banded falcons in Greenland. He also has worked with
the Madison Geology Museum studying fossil mammals in South Dakota. Marc was a zookeeper in the Vilas Zoo in Madison. He went to China in 2010 and taught English.

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