The purposes of this Association are to:

  • The purposes of this Association are to:
  • A. Promote and protect the interests, rights, and welfare of the retired educators of the Stevens Point area in conjunction with the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association (WREA).
  • B. Monitor and work to improve the benefits for retired educators and other members of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS).
  • C. Encourage Association members to maintain membership in the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association (WREA).
  • D. Develop working relationships with local service organizations whose main emphasis is on aging groups and with organizations sharing goals similar to those of the Association.
  • E. Inform Association members about and advocate for educational and other relevant societal issues.
  • F. Inform members of activities in the area provided for senior citizens.
  • G. Encourage Association members to be active participants in community affairs on an individual basis.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

From the Desk of the President

Dear Fellow SPARTA Members,

If you weren’t able to make the meeting Monday, you missed a good time and we missed you! If you were there, don’t you agree? As usual, Jan Langton had prepared a great Power Point to guide us through the meeting (and entertain along the way!) As soon as Heather and her crew from Parkridge Family had our orders, we launched into business with Dave Blado introducing his former student Brandi Makuski who has spent her career working in the newspaper business in Stevens Point. She explained what’s been happening with newspapers in Point and all over the country: the evolution, much lack of local ownership and MANY fewer reporters, etc. Hopefully we can have her back to present a more complete program. She is currently the editor of an on-line weekly about all things local called Metro Wire. I have been subscribing for a few months and am very pleased with her coverage. You may want to check it out!

Jan explained that “The Books” passed the informal audit conducted by our Audit Committee and she presented next year’s budget, pointing out changes and explaining them. We are so fortunate to have a good source of income and competent people to manage it!

We then launched headlong into Supt. Craig Gerlach’s program to bring us up to date on all the repairs and improvements made possible by the referendum. We turned the order of our meeting around because the School Board had catered in lunch for the Washington staff on that day, and Mr. Gerlach wanted to get over there and personally thank them for their patience and extra efforts involved with the very close timeline on the extensive projects there. (I personally love to see our current staff members continue our great reputation and traditions, and even greater to see that the administration and Board appreciate them!)

Eileen Payne reported that several members have signed up for the bus trip to Fireside to the Buddy Holly Show on Wednesday, so those of us who can’t go, think of them and be jealous as they eat that great food and see such lively entertainment!

The Book Committee passed a sign up sheet and they are pleading for all the help they can get, especially with set-up and tear down of the upcoming sale Oct. 16-19. Several of our faithful workers have had injuries, sprains, and signs of wear and, as Janeen Kwarciani’s husband said, “It’s time to bring in the second team!” Let’s step up and grab any young, strong backs we can to help us with the heavy work too! Fran Vollrath distributed flyers for members to disperse in the community. Let’s make this sale another great one!!

The Grant Committee is happy that we allocated the most we ever have ($8,000 thanks to our book sales) for our community grants this year, and they are now soliciting and accepting applications. We will vote on their recommendations as we enter our big celebration in November.

Joyce Chekouras thanked us for emailing and calling our representatives when WREA puts out the word, and she urges us to continue doing so. She gave us background on several issues and then moved on to reiterate the need for us all to turn in the summary of our volunteer hours to her by email (, phone (715 446 1485), or mail (204699 Lake Drive, Rosholt 54473) She needs them by Sept. 20!

Mary Ann represented the Health Committee to remind us to get our flu shots! If our pharmacy has a waiting list, her advice is to get your name on it!

Lynne Kagelmann reminded us all of our priority for the new school year: Recruit! Recruit! Recruit! Perhaps some folks would be inspired to attend the anniversary celebration, and we have until the end of the month to sign up for that with Barb Clementi (715 572 6564), Sandy Schroeder (715 344 8435), or Sherrilee Wallerman (715 344 0031). Let’s reel ‘em in!

And Sandy and Barb promise us that they are planning a very fun time (Their lips are sealed about what all that entails, but we are invited to dress in clothes from the 60s if we can remember what we wore and if we can fit into any) Nov. 11 at Sentry for our
big anniversary, so buy a ticket for your spouse or best friend too!

Members representing us in LaCrosse at the annual convention are Jan Langton, Sherrillee Wallerman, Dave Blado, and me with Joyce Chekouras and Eileen Payne serving as alternates. Lynne Kagelmann will be there too representing our District III. We promise to take care of business and not be too wild, or at least I do!

We had some news that I consider really great: Park Ridge Family Restaurant is once again opening on Mondays, so our 2020 meetings are on the books there! (I love being able to order from the menu and not having to make reservations and the food is good too!)

I intended to have this be a brief note, so I’m stopping here! This is certainly not the Minutes, but my usual dashed-off note to my friends! I hope you are all well and that I’ll see you soon!


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