1. Fernweh
Fernweh, or "distance pain," is like the opposite of homesickness. It’s the feeling of wanting to be elsewhere, anywhere but where you are at this moment.
Fernweh, or "distance pain," is like the opposite of homesickness. It’s the feeling of wanting to be elsewhere, anywhere but where you are at this moment.
Weltschmerz translates literally to “world pain,” and boy oh boy, does that say it all. It’s the state of weariness one feels at the state of the world.
3. Kummerspeck
If your state of weltschmerz has been really getting to you, it’s possible you’ve put on a few extra pounds of kummerspeck, or literally, “grief bacon.”
And several others..
To read the article, click on this link: https://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/7-german-words-perfectly-capture-feeling-living-trumps-america#.WnGoof9GAI8.email />
It's been theorized that the Navajo language is the one most useful in understanding quantum physics and the Grand Unified Theory; something about having so many tenses, especially future tenses.
It's difficult, if not impossible, to feel or understand an idea or emotion if there's no word for it. In The Giver, Jonas has no word for the color red, and, consequentially, can't see the color red.
In 1984, Newspeak inverts the English language and the Ministry of Truth "rectifies" history. Today, we have the US Patriot Act, Homeland Security Act, Voter "Protection" laws, and so on. We're in the middle of our own Newspeak transition from standard English, and both the language and the truth will suffer from it.
In the next life, I want to be a linguistic archeologist. Yes, that's a real thing.
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